Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Heart Disease, Stroke and African Americans

Heart Disease, Stroke and African Americans

In this module you will learn:

  • The basic information on heart disease and stroke, the risk factors and what you can do to reduce your own risk.
  • The warning signs and what you should do if you or someone around you is displaying these symptoms.


About Heart Disease
There are different types of heart disease, but the kind you need to worry about most is coronary heart disease.

Your heart has arteries that bring blood to the heart muscle. These are your coronary arteries. Over time, fatty deposits called plaque can build up in the wall of these arteries, reducing the blood supply. In some people — but not everyone — this can cause chest pain called angina.

Over time, a plaque can rupture, and a piece could lodge in an artery or a blood clot could form. This can block blood flow to the heart muscle, causing part of it to start to die. This is a heart attack, and it is an emergency — get to the hospital right awayI The quicker you get treatment, the more of your heart muscle might be saved.